Je suis un francais marie a une Indienne, et je suis venu prendre des cours a LangEcole pour pouvoir communiquer avec ma belle famille, qui ne parlent pas Anglais.
Je suis tres satisfait des cours donne par Amitabh, car il m'apermis de me mettre en situation, ce qui est tres efficace pour assimiler une langue.
Je reviendrai tres certainement.
I am a French national and married to an Indian lady. I came to LangÉcole to learn Hindi which can enable me to communicate with my in-laws, as they are not speaking English.
I am very satisfied with the Hindi classes given by Amitabh, because it allows me to put myself in various situations, which is very effective to assimilate a language.
I will definitely come back.
With a large network of our experienced and native language teachers, trainers, communication and language experts, we are here to bring best language training and teaching solutions for you. We would like to hear you - for any of your question or if you just want to have a nice little chat about any of our solutions we provide. Just leave us your details and we will connect you the next possible moment.